


Do not try to dominate your bird by forcing it to do anything.Good behavior modification works by cooperating with your bird,not using forceful methods based on dominating it.The most common behavioral problems in parrots are nervousness,feather plucking,biting, excessive noise and destructive chewing behaviors.The causes of behavioral problems are many and varied,but the nature and quality of care that parrots receive as companion animals is at the heart of this issue.All animals have a behavioral repertoire,and they are hardwired to perform many behaviors on a daily basis if they are to be kept well both physically and mentally.


Animals such as dogs and horses have a behavioral need to run around and to socialize with other dogs or horses or people who understand them.Cats need some means of replicating their hunting behaviors;hamsters need to be able to make burrows in which to live.The range of behaviors is limitless and there are great variations between the many types of animals kept as pets.So long as most of these behaviors,or even just good substitutes for them,can be carried out,then the bird will


have few problems.However, when a bird’s attempts at carrying out its normal behaviors are frustrated, there is a serious risk of behavioral problems arising.


Unlike domesticated pets,parrots,even captive-bred ones, remain essentially wild creatures with all their wild-type behaviors intact.The problem for parrots stems from the huge differences between the life they have evolved to live in their natural habitats and the life they are asked to live in our homes.The contrasts between


these two living conditions are stark.








Most wild parrots live in large, highly social groups,flying hundreds of miles every week in their forest habitat.They will spend many hours each day finding foods from a range of sources.As highly intelligent creatures.they have a well-developed sense of play and spend much time playing with their flock mates. As preyed-upon creatures, vulnerable to attacks from many predators,they are highly nervous and suspicious in their behaviors.Indeed,their main protective measure is to live as a flock so that each bird can alert the others to any danger present.The very nature of the birds’ social system-the highly integrated flock with its well-developed language of behavioral signals--gives the birds the security they need.


Contrast these conditions with those for the same bird transported to your living room.Here, typically,a parrot will live alone;there is no flock of birds.It will never fly any distance and may be confined to a cage for long periods.Food may be provided ad lib,with no requirement for it to search out different foods.The bird has time on its hands yet,often,absolutely nothing to do with all this time.A bird whose living conditions are so environmentally simplified is at great risk of being bored and frustrated. With birds as intelligent as parrots, it is vital to give them living conditions in which they can replicate as many of their natural, wild behaviors as possible.



大多數野生鸚鵡生活在一個巨大的、高度的社會團體,每星期在它們的森林棲息地飛行數百英里。它們每天會花許多時間尋找來自各種發源地的食物。它們有良好的發育感官,會花很多的時間和它們的群配玩耍。作為弱勢生物,他們很容易受到許多食肉動物的攻擊,在它們的行為里他們是高度緊張和多疑的。事實上,他們的主要防護措施是生活在一起的作為一個群體以便每個鳥可以警覺提醒其他任何危險的出現。這些真正自然界的鳥類在社會系統高度集成的群體以及與它們良好的發育語言行為信號 - 給予這些鳥類它們需要的安全。





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